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Serched for "Osho".
Death - The Greatest Fiction
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Author Osho
'It is an absolutely certain fact that people die, animals die, trees die, birds die. How can you avoid the fact that you are also going to die - may be tomorrow, may be day after tomorrow? It is only a question of time. But still those who are aware of their being know that nobody dies. Death is an... Read More...
Meditation : The Art Of Ecstasy
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Author Osho
Osho answers fundamental questions about meditation and gives a detailed description of each stage of his most revolutionary meditation technique, the OSHO Dynamic Meditation. The appendix contains descriptions of many more techniques. Ancient meditations are given a 21st century context, and the co... Read More...
Tao : The Pathless Path
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Author Osho
Osho says, Tao is she greatest possible ideal for man. but there is no guided path to it Them is no technique to Tam, Tao is nature. In this book. Osho examines Taoism Through works, parables and life and teaching of Lich Thu. "Tao is a process of unconditioning. Ondinary religions hypnotize your... Read More...
Gita Darshan
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Author Osho
Osho is known all over the world as a mystic and a spiritual master. He is known for his approach to life, which emphasizes meditation, love and celebration. In these talks on the Gita, Osho reveals to the reader another approach which is based on self-enquiry, on questioning and pondering, but at t... Read More...
Tantra The Supreme Understanding
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Author Osho
The tradition of Tantra or Tantric Buddhism is known to have existed in India as early as the 5th century AD. This book talks about the mystical insight of Tantra that is to be found in these ancient writings. Read More...
Freedom from the Past
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Author Osho
In these talks Osho reveals more of his vision for a new man and a new world. He shows us how the current global crisis ahs created a sense of urgency that can help usher in a totally new way of living. According to Osho, the coming of the new man and the new world is unavoidable, just as unavoidabl... Read More...
Meditation : The Only Way
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Author Osho
In these discourses Osho indicates how many of the difficulties facing modern humanity can be traced to a simple fact: We don’t know who were are. Once we recognize our own individuality, a golden future – one in which every human being can live joyously, according to his own nature – becomes availa... Read More...
The Silence of the Heart
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Author Osho
Commenting on Sufi stories, Osho sheds light on the master-disciple relationship, false masters, and dropping knowledge and the ego. Read More...
The Rebel
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Author Osho
Death The Greatest Fiction
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Author Osho
It is an abolutely certain fact that people die, animals die, trees die, birds die. How can you avoid the fact that you are also going to die? It is the only question of time.Is Death an illision Read More...
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