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Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less
Not A Penny More, Not A Penny Less
Author : Jeffrey Archer
Publisher : NA
Language : English
ISBN No. :
Availability : Available
No Of Pages : 200
One million dollars - that's what Harvey Metcalfe, lifelong king of shady deals, has pulled off with empty promises of an oil bonanza and instant riches. Overnight, four men - the heir to an earldom, a Harley Street doctor, a Bond Street art dealer and an Oxford don - find themselves penniless. But this time Harvey has swindled the wrong men. They band together and shadow him from the casinos of Monte Carlo to the high-stakes windows at Ascot and the hallowed lawns of Oxford. Their plan is simple: to sting the crook for exactly what they lost. To the penny. 'Marvelously plotted, with just the right amounts of romance, wit and savoir-faire' - "Publishers Weekly".
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