Letters from a father to his daughter, and the foreword written by the grand-daughter. When I first saw this book, which is a collection of letters that Nehru wrote to Indira Priyadarshini, I thought this must be having the same standard as that of “Glimpses of World history” or “Discovery of India” interms of language and content. However, on knowing that this was written for Indira as a child of around 8-10 years old, I realised that this is for children. Ofcourse, that, i should have realised as soon as I saw the cover and font, which unfortunately didn’t happen. Anyways, I always liked Nehru for his amazing writing ability and will continue to like him for that. This book proved that once again. Nehru is Nehru…unparelled. I wonder how he can talk about so many things with such a clarity. Wonder how Indira Gandhi might have felt. Coming to the point, this book is mostly a sorta - “theory of evolution” for children for some parts. Remaining parts, it discusses about the advent of different sects of people in to India and so on. It is a mini-history text written in the most lovable way for children. I guess this book is interesting to read for children and their parents alike. The way he puts in the facts and weave a tale of history is amazing. When I read a few letters of “Glimpses of world history”, I wondered if a teenaged girl like Indira can take so many things mentioned in the book, even if she is a genius. But, this book is more practical in that sense. It came to the level of a 10 year old. Wonder why its priced so high coz, if the purpose was to reach children, the price could have been a bit low. After a brief virtual encounter with a publisher, I am slightly afraid of the consequences of the previous sentence. So, I wish not to talk about price now. Almost all those things mentioned in the book – I read somewhere or the other. But, reading this book was a good experience nevertheless. This is mainly because of Nehru’s clarity of thought and his ability to explain things in a simple and understandable way. Indira Gandhi is lucky … coz, Nehru rox, despite all that politics and private life. Well, I am talking about Nehru, the author and Nehru, the father. Nothing else. Guess, this is the smallest post in this blog so far