The Way Of The Samurai is the story of a city-dwelling mouse named Geronimo Stilton, who always lands up in the middle of adventures. Along with his friend Wild Willie, the protagonist tries to retrieve a valuable Japanese scroll from some villians. This is a very captivating tale for readers between the ages of 6 to 12 years.
Summary Of The Book
Geronimo Stilton is a mouse, who lives in the capital of Mouse Island. This rodent is an author, journalist, and editor of The Rodent’s Gazette. It is the most popular newspaper of the region. He is also the protagonist, narrator, and fictional author of The Way Of The Samurai. Geronimo loves writing adventure stories, all of which are bestsellers. Though he enjoys his calm and peaceful life, this mild-mannered rodent regularly ends up in the middle of adventures in faraway lands.
In The Way Of The Samurai, one Saturday night as the protagonist sits in his pajamas, the phone rings. The voice on the other side asks Geronimo if he is ready for an adventure. Geronimo immediately knows that it is Wild Willie, an archaeologist who loves adventures. He finds archaeological treasures around the world, and donates them to the New Mouse City’s Museum. Willie tells Geronimo about a Samurai scroll that contains secrets about an ancient Japanese fighting technique. Much to Willie’s dismay, the scroll has been stolen by a bunch of evil doers. So these two start on their mission to get back this valuable treasure. However, their journey is filled with ninja attacks, which slows them down. The Way Of The Samurai, the forty-sixth book of the series, is an exciting story, packed with action and mystery.
A TV series based on Geronimo Stilton has been broadcasted in Holland and Belgium.
About Elisabetta Dami
Elisabetta Dami, born in 1958, is an Italian author best known for the Geronimo Stilton series.
Some of the books written by her are Merry Christmas, Geronimo!, The Secret Of Cacklefur Castle, Down And Out Down Under, Singing Sensation, The Mystery In Venice, and Mouse In Space!
Dami started writing when she was 19. She was a proofreader in her family’s publishing house. The author has penned down more than fifty children's books. The Geronimo Stilton Series was an Italian bestseller. It was later translated to English, and is now sold in more than 35 languages. The books of this series have sold 65 million copies globally. The author has trekked, ran marathons, scaled Mt. Kilimanjaro, and performed parachute jumps and is also a licensed pilot. In her early twenties, she travelled across the globe. In addition to all her adventurous activities, Dami spends her time as a volunteer with orphans. She divides her time between USA and Italy.