Introducing Inspector Borei Gowda...
It is the first night of Ramadan. At Shivaji Nagar in the heart of Bangalore, a young male prostitute is killed and burnt alive. It would have stayed as yet another unsolved murder, but for Inspector Borei Gowda, the investigating officer. As bodies begin to pile up one after the other, and it becomes clear that a serial killer is on the prowl, Gowda recognizes a pattern in the killings which no one else does. Even as he negotiates serious mid-life blues, problems with his wife and son, an affair with an ex-girlfriend, and official apathy and ridicule, the killer moves in for the next victim...
Steeped in the lanes and atmosphere of the city of Bangalore, Cut Like Wound introduces to the reader a host of unforgettable characters and is a brutal psychological thriller unlike any in Indian fiction.
About the Author Anita Nair is the bestselling author of the novels The Better Man, Ladies Coupe, Mistress and Lessons in Forgetting. Her books have been translated into over thirty languages around the world. She is also the founder and editor of the online literary journal The Heavenly Bliss Salon for Men. She lives in Bangalore with her husband and son. Visit her at