An ordinary man, mired in the uncertainities of life and anxieties of the unknown, sets out to fulfill his dream through a daunting journey to the summit of Mount Everest. The story of his perilious yet ethereal expedition and the humbling tryst with the epitome of Creation is also a meditation on the limits and limitlessness of being human.
About The Authors Atul Karwal is an officer in the Indian Police Service and Anita Karwal is from the Indian Administrative Service. They are posted in Gujarat and are the proud parents of two teenaged daughters Janvi and Tanvi. Atul has an enduring interest in adventure and fitrness, while Anita is fond of painting, reading and writing.
Praise For 'Think Everest' "Undertaking to climb Mount Everest under any circumstances takes great courage, determination and will power. Mr. Atul Karwal is the first officer from the All India Services to have done so when he scaled the world's highest peak in May 2008. No doubt this inspiring book, Think Everest, will encourage others to emulate Mr. Karwal's achievement." - His Holiness the Dalai Lama